Monday, December 13, 2010


Hello my sweet Comrade Clones,

Liz Dyer here, recently elected artist of propaganda and brainwashing. Welcome to a new and exciting addition to the Cloyne Crier-- Tears Of A Clone. This will allow for a boatload of contributions from all you sexpots out there at 2600 Ridge Road, 24/7.

First, for all of you out there who don't really know much beyond my love for MARIJUANA AND CHILLIN, let me introduce myself. On March 15th, 1990 following 36 hours of labor I flew out of my mother's womb dancing about in a top hat and signing "The French Mistake" from Blazing Saddles.  As a youth, I chilled in the finest cuts of SF- bombing hills on my bike and partaking in local gang fights. This laid a perfect platform for my teen years as one of those 'fuck the system' punk ass white kids who did all those "bad things" like 'getting high' in "questionable neighborhoods"and slugging down 40s in parks. Wow, what an impressive lifestyle, Liz. That's so different from where you are now! NO, ACTUALLY. I now primarily drink INSIDE. All in all, I'm just a simple upstanding citizen with a thirst for justice and an undying hunger for liberty.

As for all of you lovely, caring cuddle bears--- post to this blog, goddamnit! I can add 100 authors to this thang and holy crap everyone can have one. Just send me your email to and what you plan on doing/not doing with it. This can be a land to post funny shit that you want all of Cloyne to see or post some silly drunken message to all, songs, fun viruses (jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjkjkjkjkjkjkkomgzlolzrawflcopter), events, shows, requests for rides?, what else? I dunno, oohh! Like craigslist postings, furniture you'd want to swap or get rid of, etc, etc.

And as for all you sports hippies, THIS IS SOOO GREEN! HELLA GREEN! GREENER THAN THE DANKEST BUD! ughhhh if I were you I'd be creaming my hemp + 50% recycled fiber panties sooo hard right now.  So you should post shit on here, too. Whatever you want! Just make sure that there aren't any blaring grammatical errors, I HATE BLARING GRAMMATICAL ERRORS. Every time you type in 'their' instead of 'there' a kitten drowns alone in a cold lake. Think about it.

Anywho, I'll try and make this thang super sexy for all you people. ON THE REG.

Okay thanks and come again!

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